Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rooting for Shaun White

I'm not really a traditional sports lover. Basketball, baseball and football kind of bore me. I'd rather watch beach volleyball, tennis (if Nadal or the Williams sisters are playing) and Xtreme Sports.

This weekend is the last Winter Dew Tour stop. So sad. Now I have to wait until June for Summer Dew Tour to start.

Of course my favorite snowboarder at Dew Tour is Shaun White. I really didn't know who he was until he took home the gold in the 2006 Winter Olympics. Since then I always root for him in the summer and winter X-games.

He's been doing well at the first ever Winter Dew Tour. Let's hope he wins the Dew Cup.

Now get to know Shaun as he talks about tricks, music, fame and Dew Tour.

Part 1


Part 2


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